Sun Enters Aries

The Sun enters Aries on March 19th at exactly 10:06 pm and will stay here until April 19th. This is a significant change for the Sun, who will be leaving the watery depths of Pisces and moving into the fiery Mars-ruled sign of Aries. Adding to this intensity are two upcoming eclipses bringing with them important beginnings and endings as well as indications of what’s to come. For the next four weeks, express yourself more assuredly, be a more effective leader, and make courageous choices.

This already intense Aries season will be much more intense than usual due to upcoming eclipses in March and April. It will be crucial for us to manage our anger and avoid impulsive overreactions to surprising events. Begin calming practices now so that by the time you need them, they are already integrated into your routine.

This Aries season is also different because it will be ruled by a Mars in Pisces. This should actually be quite helpful, as Pisces energy will help temper the more martial aspects of Aries. However, this configuration may create some confusion, as we may be heated one moment and then soft and compassionate the next. It may be best to allow ourselves a cooling-off period to put ourselves in a position to make better choices.

Adding even more to this intensity is that the Sun will make its annual conjunction with Chiron on the same day as the Solar Eclipse. We may feel a strong urge to express our hurt about something that has been hurting or bothering us. Again, we must remember to say what we mean without being mean (as the saying goes).

Despite the intenseness of the next four weeks, this is a beautiful time for us to rise to whatever challenges we must face. This is not the time to shy away from expressing ourselves or admit defeat, as this combination of Aries/Pisces energy will help us tackle difficult situations more wisely and softly. Strength does not always have to be destructive. Sometimes it is exactly what is needed to make the world a better place.


Thursday March 21

The Sun connects with Pluto. Look for an opportunity to be more courageous about getting to the bottom of a matter.

Monday April 8

The Sun joins Chiron pressuring us to be more open and frank about what is aggravating us. Giving in to our insecurities may be tempting, so avoid hurtful situations. Use this time to become more self-aware about what is bothering you.

Thursday April 11

The Sun joins a retrograde Mercury. Our past choices may resurface giving us another chance to handle them more directly. Reconsider your viewpoints and question how truthful you are being with yourself.